Monday, February 6, 2006

Seargent Pepper, this is sierra's new pony, we've had him on loan since "Clancey" went in for training. Clancey has not calmed down enough, no I doubt will he for some time, for sierra to be safe with him so his trainer agreed to trade him for this little guy. I think she's getting a good deal as clancey is registered and will go far with the right confident, older rider...and we're getting a good deal because Srgt. Pepper is Sierra's size, has a great personality and has enough attitude to keep her busy. His feet are typical pony feet but we have our trusty farrier on to it. anyhow, this is a picture of sierra in the fall with him. i came out to find she had caught him, tied him up and was, I am assuming, trying to get him a bit dumping buckets of water on him! I told her she needed to stop it, and she did, but he was a trooper through the whole thing, think he might have actually enjoyed the attention. Posted by Picasa
This is her apology to him for being overly 'sierra' with him. He handled it all very gentlemanly. He is after all a Seargent! Posted by Picasa