Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ethan...and his hair cut

Okay.... the other day Ethan found our hair clippers and buzzed a strip off the top of his head. Next day I made that strip into an E for Ethan :). couple days later we decided (he and one else would have done this to their child I'm sure) to shave one half of his head. Today he promises me I can shave the whole thing. So cute :)

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Auntie Laura--an excellent caretaker!

I stole these from Laura's camera, sure she would have them up I don't mean to usurp her position...but I'm up, house is quiet so I figure I'd put on a few pics for those of you who don't know Laura, and don't check her blog for our family updates :)

Auntie Laura is great with our kids. They adore her. And we love her. She is patient and generous and kind and trying hard to help John and I gain some sort of financial sense (she needs patience, generosity and kindness to put up with our slow grasp of things!!)
Ethan was sick and was comforted by his cuddle time with Laura and his 'bowl'. Casendra had tons of holding and cuddling and was deserving of this day of spoiling (I don't think it spoiled her at all...she is still in a good mood today).
Thank you Laura, for all you do with and for our family. We appreciate it greatly. May God continue to richly bless you. And for any of you out there who have never checked out her it!! Oh...I need to figure out how to make a link to it so you can :)
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Daddy's girl

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