Friday, January 2, 2009

Nelson the Cowboy?

Nelson (our international student from last year) was up visiting us for Christmas.
We took him out to the horse field and got him up riding. He and Ebony did well together. They both want their own way, so we enjoyed watching the battle of wills. I think....Nelson won...with some help.

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Halloween catch up collages

So...we had an awesome trick or treating for the first time with the kids this year
(we went with Amy, Garron, Journey and Solomon and Kristy was visiting from B.C. too).
It was fun and exciting and the kids were adorable.
Kristy was our face painter. You'll see a couple collages down some of her handiwork!
If you don't want to see the details just browse through the line,
if you want to see up close then click on the collage and take a better look!

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Casendra the Explorer

Casendra loves to explore. We have a large IKEA bookshelf in our living room that sections off where we have our small office area. She uses the lower shelves to crawl through and get into all sorts of stuff. She likes small spaces and will squeeze right back into the corner under the computer. She investigates, wires, modems, buttons and of course empty chocolate containers in the garbage.
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