Friday, May 5, 2006

E.D.B.D what a kid. Looks like he is excited to wear his sisters boots, but really I think he was just cold. I am setting a new trend for parents dressing their kids everywhere...any ideas of what I should call it? Posted by Picasa
Ethan and his friend Nathan Posted by Picasa
Here is Sierra on her little pony...who was out twice today! I thought he was going through our electric fence...and that Bandit (my horse) had also done that twice. I began to fix it by putting up more strands, looked up and saw Srgt. pepper out again! I knew he hadn't gone through the electric fence as I was right beside it and he was no where near me. I thought he had squeezed through the barbwire which would have been really bad as that is what our fence is and too keep him in would mean keeping him in the round pen for the rest of our time here. But it all came clear when I realized that upon putting up our most recent piece of electric fence which leads right up to the barn...we had forgotten that the barbwire fence (which makes up part of the new section) does not attach to the back of the barn. There is a nice clear pathway between the fence and the barn leading straight out to freedom, that amazingly enough only 2 of our horses found. Really dumb of us but also amusing. It is all good now soI expect not to see any more horses in my immediate back yard. But with my luck you just never know. (I thought one of the horses had been out yesterday as I found a bag of rabbit food in our barn, middle of the aisle with a horse nose shaped hole in it...but when I looked all of the horses were in and I didn't think they would ever go back through an electric fence after going through it in the first place and getting a shock...but the mystery is solved. He got out through the open pathway, entered the barn, dragged the rabbit food away from the wall, had a snack and then mosied back into the field for more green grass. Rascal should be his new name.) Posted by Picasa
Sierra trotting on Silky...not too bad of posture eh? Posted by Picasa


From front to back we have: me, Tina, Dave Long and his daughter, Alex, is on the pony followed by our neighbors dog 'yellar' (not her real name...but what Sierra calls her). We all went for a jaunt around our much fun, need to go longer. Tina is actually coming by today to go for a ride, I'd go but could get charged with abandonment of my kids. Oh well, maybe next time. Posted by Picasa