Sunday, June 15, 2008

A day out with Casendra

Casendra was with us yesterday when we went to retrieve Caballero from North of Edmonton. She was excellent on the long trip and didn't interfere with our 'date day' at all. Here are some pics of here from yesterday (Saturday June 14/08) The last one is from today however...too adorable to pass up I needed 9 pictures!
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Caballero "our" Gentleman Cowboy

9 year old purebred (soon to be registered) Morgan gelding. Green broke, beautiful, friendly and looking real smooth!

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Father's Day and other stuff :)

Today was Father's Day, a bit of a sporadic day for John as he was busy cleaning and delivering a horse trailer in the morning (that he graciously drove over 8 hours yesterday to help 'me' get Caballero, the new horse, here to his new home. And then he got to BBQ which he is great at but I am sure it was a bit crazy as he was doing 4 different meats (2 different kinds of hotdogs, chicken, steak and salmon) All of them tasted fantastic. And then of course there are kids and wives and sleepiness to contend with.

John, you are a great dad, I love you and your kids love you. I know you believe you have faults but I also know that you overcome those faults with: your humor, your wrestling times with the kids, your willingness to read with them, jump on the trampoline with them, watch movies with them, take them for icecream or to the dump, show them the right way to do things and patiently follow through with the learning of it (like Ethan's speech or Sierra reading out loud), you have learned to emote with the kids when they are hurt (even when they should have known what would happen to them because they had disobeyed your good 'preventative thinking') and you have been more and more gentle with them as they learn from their mistakes *and ours! You are willing to change your ways of doing things, given enough good reason (or just to keep a peaceful home :) and you are even willing to ask your kids *and wife* for forgiveness when you have erred (even if sometimes it takes awhile :). You are an excellent worker and provider (even though the short falls in money or timing can almost do you in as your fear of failing us kicks you down) But we do not fear. We know that God is on your side and that he has given us all friends and family along with his miraculous ways to support and help as He directs.
You are doing an awesome job. I know I do not tell you that enough, nor do I really show you just how great you are as a dad...I can tend to focus on what I'd like to be different, and for this I am sorry. I will work at honoring you more and focusing on the postive (as you have encouraged me to do before) and lift you up, encourage and support you and remember to verbalize how I admire and respect what you are in this family.

I thank your father before you for the role model he was. He was such an integral part in creating the man that you are. The man you are in this family that is ready and driving to all ways. A man who truly wants what is best for those he loves. A man that has gotten up after he has failed and continued on, getting STRONGER each time even when other forces would have you belive you are weaker. A man that is tender, is true, is loyal and is accepting of his wife...even her crazy dreams! A man who wants things to be different in the world, starting with his family. A man who is aware of what can be, and a man who is working toward attaining that. A man who forigives, A man who loves, A man how has ethics, and a man who fights (sometimes scarily--like in traffic) for what is right. A man that spends time with his children even though his work week is long and emotionally and physically draining, not to mention the nights he stays up to be with his 'night owl' wife...knowing she needs him. A man who does truly excellent work on his job and anything he puts his mind or body into...even being a drunk (in a play a play!) A man who is funny, and loving and a man who actually enjoys and treats the elderly as his peers...not just as 'old people' as so many in our society do. A man who cares, a man who loves his parents, a man who cares about their wellbeing and a man who gets in trouble sometimes for some or all of the above when his methods are misunderstood.

You are our man John, mine and the kids and we love you with as much of an unconditional love as any human can manage. We appreciate you and we are loyal to you. We are here with you till the glorious end (which is a long way off by the way) and we want the absolute best for you. Thank you for being the father in this family. We would have NO other.


Little Casendra Faith, in her pretty blue hat (thanks Kara!) So cute!
Happy Father's Day Dad (Andy)...from all of us, see even her bibs says granddads are loved :) especially on this special day. This time your words will be in a card, gotta let my main man have some blog time!
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