Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Sierra. Some pieces of your year leading up to this day...enjoy!

Dear Sierra,

Wow, you are 8 years old.
You are a smart, talented, sweet, kind, loving, curious and beautiful young lady.
I am so proud that you are my daughter.
Sometimes I forget to take the time to look at you, to see you, to acknowledge you and how wonderful you are. How much of a blessing you are in my life.
An actual GIFT from God…to me and to dad. And of course to many others too.
I love who you are and I am so enjoying being your mom.

This year I want to commit to praying for you every day. Specifically for you, not just as part of a night time prayer. I am going to pray for your spirit, for your mind and for your body. I will be praying for you as you continue to make friends and figure out how to live peacefully with them. I am going to pray that you are able to guard your heart and yet to be free enough to express it truthfully. I am going to pray that as you continue to grow and learn, that you remember that God is your father, your friend and your King. I will pray that you remember him every day, remember that He is with you at all times, when you are being good, when you are being naughty, when you are happy and when you are scared, sad or feeling lonely. I pray that you will know God and learn to see yourself as he sees you. I will pray that you learn to not be afraid to fail. To not be afraid to make mistakes…because you are human and until we get to heaven, all of us will make mistakes, but we will be forgiven for them and we will be loved through them and best of all…we will actually learn from them and be used by God through them. I will pray that you will not be afraid to be yourself or to do what God wants you to do even when it is different than your friends and they perhaps tease you.

I love who YOU are, and I don’t ever want you to think of being anyone different.

God made you with a purpose and a plan and you have brought hope to many of us.
Your family loves you and I love you and that is the way it IS!! Be brave, try new things, let people know what you are feeling and, no matter what, be truthful, it sets you free!

Sierra, you are my 1st baby, my first daughter and my first 8 year old.
I love you and I am proud of you.

I hope and pray that this year will be awesome for you.
Enjoy your time as an 8 year old. Have fun, be a kid, make mistakes and please
never hesitate to ask me for a hug or cuddle when I get too busy to see that you need or want one.

Tell people your dreams, your wishes, your hopes…tell me…I WILL listen. And I will do everything I can to make them happen.


I love you Sierra,


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