appears that either coyotes--or rather the dogs that live on the same property as our horses (they rent the front/house, we rent the fields/barn) found our minis to be to much fun to chase, took a bite, then a week later (we treated the first wound thinking it was a puncture wound from a fence injury as they had escaped the first day we put them in) they joined together and took our mini "sweetheart" down and ripped into the first wound, removing muscle etc. (and eating it I presume as we didn't find it in the field) and also got a couple good lacerations into moms mini "Misty" the first two pics are of Sweetheart and she is at the vets awaiting final call on her future--vet seems positive at the moment, but I can't even imagine how she will save her---she told us it will be a lot of work on our part for at least 3 months. But has offered to let her stay at the clinic (not charging) as long as she can swing it with the owner but we have to feed/treat and such her once or twice a day for the duration. Misty is there with her too and I think she'll require some stitches and daily hosing as well for awhile. PLEASE PRAY. This is Casendra's first horse and its traumatized Seirra who was the first person to see the wounds after our neighbor told us 'kind of' what happened. Though he had painted his dogs as heroes that chased the coyotes away--which I'd love to believe. But we had been there 2 hours before at 8:40 am to let the ponies out of the barn where they stay all night and they had been fine, and coyotes don't tend to attack in a field with large horses and they also go for the throat, dogs often go for the hamstrings. Its so sad, she was being literally eaten alive. Crazy stuff. Sorry for the graphic, but I warned you!! It gets it off my chest and is giving us a picture timeline so hopefully we'll be able to chart healing as we did with Rosie. ahhhhh, we will glorify God through this!!