Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Here is Sierra working hard to reach the many toys and gadgets Ethan, sitting sweetly by her side, has hidden down the vents. Journey has her own story about him putting things down the vents are her house! Posted by Picasa


Amy said...

Yeah, Journey has an old style vent in her room that Ethan (E.D.B.D as she calls him) dropped some of her toys down. She points to the vent almost everytime we go in her room to play and says "EDBD drop in, bad boy, no no. Toy down down. Get it."
To which I must answer "Sorry Journey, we can't get it. Its stuck." She usually finishes the conversation by announcing again that EDBD is a bad boy.

Erin Rebecca said...

funny. i like that she can talk so much. so cute. jo just would say no no.. he talks a lot but no one knows what he is saying. hope he does it for andy and char, hope he doesn't really talk cause he sounds so funny with his proper intonation and long sentences with no real words in them. but i think he can say i don't know now. it sounds like it anyway and he holds out his arms/hands right:)