How exciting, the night before her 1st day of school. She had a shower! And then got her clothes ready, hung out with E.D.B.D who sensed the excitement I think and talked on the phone to her daddy who was still out building bins!! She also recorded a message for him, which I don't know how to put on here...anyone wanna help with that? It was a fun night, very exciting and heart wrenching in its 'cuteness'. Enjoy!!

The morning of. Little girl, big packpack and an even bigger smile. It was a great day!
How come EDBD looks like the nervous one? He's so funny!
You switched to Beta eh? I need to too. I am just nervous something will go wrong and I'll lose it all but looks safe. I'll try it soon. like the picture of you and John.
sierra still like school or has she pretended to be sick to stay home yet?:)
okay we're doing another no post marathon eh?
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