sleeping baby

... I usually sleep with Casendra in our king size bed and have asked John to sleep in one of the kids room so that I can care for her without waking him up or causing him stress by having her in bed with us.
Sierra is a great older sister, who didn't know she would be :) Here she is helping Casendra settle as I get ready to load them all up so we can drop Sierra off at school

. She wants to help bathe her this afternoon as she already has the ability to carry her, put her in her swing, pacify her with soothers and coddle her on her own. Better make sure I make this happen.

I just wrote a long paragraph of praise for John and erased it. So, in short, this is what I said...John is an awesome dad, taking amazing care of his kids, learing to balance life with them and doing great at it. He wrestles, plays, jokes, disciplines, teaches, reads with, encourages and loves each one of our blessings. He is willing to learn and change his ways to accomodate what is best for family. Now this takes time for both of us to do, so any prayers are always coveted (in a good way, not a breaking of the 10 commandments way)
Thank you John for all you do (including changing diapers and burping Casendra while taking such joy in the looks she gives you)
By the way he has said she is grounded as soon as she turns 16 for spurting poop on him while he attempted to change her diaper first thing one morning :0 ) Very funny!
Good to finally see some new pictures! She's changing fast you know!
Hey Sara,
Great pics and musings. In that picture where she's looking up at you I finally see Sierra! She belongs after all. (:
Can you take some pics of the new living room set up and post them? I was trying to describe it to mom but I'm not sure I did that great of a job.
Thank you for taking the time to blog- I have enjoyed catching up - she is beautiful (why wouldn't she be?)
Hey Sara it is so nice to see pics and be able to kinda visit and see what is up in your lives. The baby is beautiful. I pray daily for you guys and know that God is walking right beside you all as you journey into this new phase of your lives. And he you look amazing Sara....hope to see you soon!!! All the best...Love Liisa
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