Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pit Stop One!

At Pit stop one, there were bathrooms (complete with serenading, hassling, dancing and all sorts of crazy nonsense acting, volunteer San Hose Police Men) This officer was great!! Just like Jim Carrey. He followed one lady right into the bathroom much to her suprise, after serenading another lady and then dancing with her when she came out...he also banged on all the doors demading the women hurry up and get a move on! Wonderful comic relief, but he was only there the first day :(

Long lines for the bathrooms, but you HAD to go to make sure you were drinking enough along the way.
Looking pretty good arne't we :) yeah....it WAS only pit stop one.
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Laura Jean said...

Great photos Sara!! (lol) - it was wonderful experience sharing this with you, Katie and Sandy too. Love ya Sara.

mamma james said...

Good job! I didn't get to 'read' it all but the pictures are great. So proud of you!