Just a couple of Sierra and Cab (with one of Muddy thrown in so you can all remember what his forelock is supposed to look like!). They are doing so well together and get to continue lessons this winter (as she missed so many due to her broken arm). He is learning to collect...kind of . We need Kristy to come ride him and teach him as Sierra isn't strong enough and has quite the time trying to show him what to do (especially as she is just learning)
The first time we tried to have someone (being Sierra) ride Cab bareback he spooked and shot off in a circle around me with me holding onto Sierra and dragging her off. Now he can ride bareback, english saddle, western saddle and DOUBLE!! The first rider is Stacey who has been jumping with him. However, we've definitely decided he needs to improve his 'whoa' before he gets to continue jumping (he seems to like jumping)
Stacey with Sierra on the back and Cab going along as easily as if there was no one on him...such a great horse!!

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