The random and sometimes 'way late' descriptions of just what our family is up to!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Our Anniversary Weekend
John and I headed down to Okotoks area for a Bed and Breakfast get-a-way. It was almost disastorous as the place we had planned to go ended up not having some key elements working when we got there, and we had not been the owners were away and all the special 'perks' that were to be included in our weekend, had either been forgotten or overlooked. We ended up deciding not to stay there, not knowing what would happen as the owners were unavailable for contact as they were in the carribean...but we took our chances as paying a tidy sum of money for what we could have had at home was not o.k. in our books...It was supposed to be special!! Luckily we discovered the following BnB had an opening and was amazing, and we highly recommend staying there if you have the opportunity! Here are a couple pics of us relaxing at "Cindy's Bed and Breakfast" in Dewinton.
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