Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Congratulations - you did it! You gave your heart, soul, sweat and tears for three days and created some remarkable memories along the way.
It all began with an emotional Opening Ceremony at COW Palace. We walked through the hills of Daly City and San Francisco and passed by the San Francisco Zoo on the way to the Great Highway, where we walked along the coast through Ocean Beach. Then we strolled along the breathtaking Lands End Trail, enjoying a beautiful sunny day. As we arrived at Crissy Field, with the Golden Gate Bridge providing a gorgeous backdrop, a troop of fabulous local boy scouts helped us set up tents to protect us from the wind. A full moon lit the sky as we settled in for the night.
Saturday's route traveled through Sausalito and Mill Valley. We were serenaded at cheering stations by guitar players and 80s rockers and at camp by a wonderful youth a capella group, "Til Dawn." The Coast Guard came out to cheer us on, as well as cheerleaders from New Balance and Sequoia High School. As we headed back to Crissy Field to camp, one couple went off to get married! They had gotten engaged on last year's event and wanted to make the Breast Cancer 3-Day part of their wedding celebration. They came back on Sunday to finish the walk.
The final day of our journey began with ladies handing out tissues because it was so cold and windy as we left camp. The Oakland Fire Department brought their antique truck and handed out candy. We walked through Golden Gate Park, by the de Young Museum and Japanese Tea Gardens. Then we traveled through Haight Ashbury and downtown. The fabulous San Jose bike police kept us safe all weekend long!
A celebratory Closing Ceremony on Marina Green was a beautiful (though windy!) end to a beautiful weekend. The money we raised will help Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund save lives.Posted by Picasa


John and Sara said...

The following posts are all out of order...not sure how that happened, but hey...you'll get the picture :) Love you all,

Anonymous said...

well done, Sara - great pictorial account - congratulations on your accomplishment

Chad & Chris said...

Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us Sara, You are my hero, Way to go.