Monday, April 10, 2006

Faster then a speeding bullet...

Ethan runs. And Ethan looks so funny when he does. But is is also extremely cute! This is a prime example. He went running up to our friends house after his play time was done.  Posted by Picasa


Erin Rebecca said...

great pics and frequency:) we like it sara.

Amy said...

Thanks for the info, Sara. I've tried to delete it, but I can't seem to do it. I think you have to delete your own post. Let me know if it works!

Erin Rebecca said...

Happy 30th Birthday Sara! Emma asked how old you were when I told her today was your birthday and she replied "30 almost sounds like 31!" now you are old like me sara. I was gonna say that now you and john are both in your 30's but i forgot that he has moved on too:) Love You. Can't wait to be there with you. WHat did you do for your birthday, or what are you doing? Erin

Erin Rebecca said...

thanks for the email. And Happy 5th Anniversary! Hope you guys have a wonderful time away together. Where are you going? The same hotel as your first night married? Pocohontas or something that is like that wasn't it?